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Friday, June 11, 2010

Fifa World Cup 2010

Thenewmalcolm here, Nd of course I'm rooting for my home country Nigeria. I hope they can bring the cup back to africa but of course its a long shot.

More realistically I'm looking at brazil as the favorite. The reason? Dunga. As a defender he was relentless, savvy, and team oriented. His most important and controversial decision to date only reinforces my high opinion of him. Leaving Ronaldinho off of the cup squad shows that he is only concerned with winning. Not the notoriety of his team.

I felt Brazil's biggest mistake on the last world cup was not using Robinho enough. Instead going with the wildly popular but aging Ronaldo. Dunga's willingness to upset the established order only makes his squad more difficult to prepare for. This is why my money is on Brazil

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Just my 2 cents

CNN: Crude still flows in Gulf despite cap on oil gusher.

If this was a corporation in another part of the world, you might see them go bankrupt in order to fix this as quickly as possible. Saving face is very important.....unless you're BP. They will go on operating as a company (their stock is still rediculously high today) and people will continue to profit from them. Honestly its hard for me to forget the BP workers who had nothing to do with this or their families who depend on those men and women.

phonearena: BlackBerryBold 9800 Slider stars in 16 minute video that will have you drowning in drool -

I obviously respect what Blackberry has done in the past (I was an original Storm Owner) but the operating system just seems so dated. Its a more open platform than the iphone, but I can't help feeling like portions of the OS are too simple while others are far to dry and complex.

phonearena: Viruses planted in games for Windows Mobile dials premium-rate telephone services -

This is how it starts.....

Just my 2 cents

CNN: Crude still flows in Gulf despite cap on oil gusher.

If this was a corporation in another part of the world, you might see them go bankrupt in order to fix this as quickly as possible. Saving face is very important.....unless you're BP. They will go on operating as a company (their stock is still rediculously high today) and people will continue to profit from them. Honestly its hard for me to forget the BP workers who had nothing to do with this or their families who depend on those men and women.

phonearena: BlackBerryBold 9800 Slider stars in 16 minute video that will have you drowning in drool -

I obviously respect what Blackberry has done in the past (I was an original Storm Owner) but the operating system just seems so dated. Its a more open platform than the iphone, but I can't help feeling like portions of the OS are too simple while others are far to dry and complex.

phonearena: Viruses planted in games for Windows Mobile dials premium-rate telephone services -

This is how it starts.....

Friday, June 4, 2010

The future of Android?

A lot has happened in the last few months if your lucky enough to have a newer android phone.

For individuals who have gotten an android 2.1 update you've seen improved speed, an improved market, and access to much more stable applications.

The beauty of android's future is that the improvements to the user experience are not predicated on obtaining the latest update. The unprecedented level of system access to developers means that innovation need not come solely from google. When innovation does need to come from google, they have figured out that replacing one app or system portion at a time is just as effective (if not more so) as dropping a new Operating System every six months.

As handset owners with other OS's rely on the Operating System creators or device manufacturers to deliver innovation, android is pushed mainly by the needs of its users. The shortcomings of any one particlar android device actually become an opportunity for developers to create an application directly adressing consumer needs.

For example, the recently released DoubleTwist application was developed and distributed in response to user request for an "Itunes-like" sync application. Though android possesses the file system or "drag and drop" functionality (which most would agree is much more open and simpler to use) there are those consumers who like to actively sync theyre media to a PC. Android allows users to have that choice along with countless others.

True consumer motivation and innovation make the future of android you the singular User. It is not the desires or moral positionings of one or even a few privaledged men.

Its good to know I'm necessarily playing a large part in my own experience.